
A simple mother’s day illustration inspired by a Pinterest post

I am very aware that it is not mothers day, but what I wasn't aware of is that it has taken me over a month to realise that this never actually posted (let's pretend it did). Usually, for mother’s day I make a  painted card but this year I have left my paints in uni, therefore, decided to do a digital illustration of some tulips inspired by a card I saw on Pinterest. As this was quite quick to illustrate I’ve changed the colours around a bit as a trial, using colour switch to see the possibilities of colour themes that work best but personally still leaning towards the pink/red.  (Should also explain that Sul y mamau Hapus= Happy Mother’s Day in Welsh)

Craig Y Deryn procrastination post

In the art of true procrastination, here’s an illustration I did last month for my mum’s birthday posted live from the silent zone of the library, and if I told you that this was an illustration of a mountain I like to hope that it wouldn’t be too hard to believe. I sadly don’t have any photos on my camera of it to compare/enlighten, but luckily the internet has plenty (Name: Craig y Deryn).  Although only small, this is probably one of my favourite views from home and right now is something I’d much rather be seeing than 5 caffeine fuelled planning documents on molecular bilology. 

Manchester building photography and setting a new goal

Before getting into what this post content is about, first is a little self-reminder. Recently I decided to go back to read my first post on here,  and from it stemmed a new wave of motivation, reminding myself that this a place of posting freely - as first intended. Anway.  I’m writing this on here as by sharing this commitment I’m making,  it’s more likely that I’ll actually stick to it. So step one is to draw/photograph one thing every week or two, just to be a bit more realistic, and post it. (Edit from future me: so far this is not going so well!) Now that’s out the way, below are some photographs I took from a trip to Manchester two weekends ago. This was my first time visiting here properly, hence activating tourist mode and taking many pictures. New places are a chance to be re-inspired, and in the midst of a constant stream of people rushing about were some colorful street art and interesting city buildings. The notes section of my phone is u...

Edinburgh building illustration and photographs

This is a bit of a late post as these photos were taken all the way back in October. Here features some photography of the very pretty streets of Edinburgh with a vintage camera effect, and an illustration made by drawing an outline onto paper then scanning it onto the computer  to colour using the sketckbook Microsoft app. 

New year and sewing bee

To start this new year post I tried finding a new year quote that wasn’t a cliché, over used one like “New year, new me” which 1. No one sticks to 2. No one believes and 3. Why should you start a year by putting so much pressure for drastic change in a space of only 365 days (just because the calander changed!). About 10 webpages later and all I was left with was questioning who’s responsible for deciding  “the best 29 new year quotes”, and why? Even if some are pretty funny, but still. Anyway, in a change of direction I then searched up bee quotes, to try and stay relevant to the bee illustration below. After only one 1 website (thank you bees), I found this: “Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still”. It turns  out that bee quotes make better quotes to think about at the start of a new year than any of these soul finding ones. I won’t analyse the quote because it will mean different things to different people, but I like it.  While still ...

Hay bales and flowers

This post is a little different to the others because there’s no actual illustration attached. Que the back story that wasn’t asked for, but the current situation I have includes a collection of unfinished drawings that I really want to finish and post, but my laptop is currently being fixed and I have stupidly left my illustration pen in uni. Therefore, for now here’s a bit of photography from a time we came across a field of hay bales and cute flowers on a walk near uni. I want to start doing quicker posts for when I have a bit of a creative mind block so maybe there’ll be more of these once I learn to work my camera a little better. Without any further rambling, (for now) please admire the hay. (Please overlook the lowered photo quality from uploading onto here). Photos taken near Heslington, York. 

Coffee shop cactus “and what?” (But not a sassy and what)

The leaves are crunchy, wearing a coat is a good idea until you’re running super late and suddenly it feels like summer and it’s too late to take it back, and there’s not another time of year where coffee shop coffees are quite as seasonally aesthetic. That last part I am forcing in for the sake of this post to be relevant to the art, but it’s still very true. There’s an “and what” for most things and to me this “and what” is about how, as basic as it may sound,  seeing a cactus or a nice coffee always triggers my inner automatic urge to take a picture of it. Social media seems to reflect that I am definitely not alone on this. I will not lie, I get way too excited about these types of things and always think what I could do with the photo next. I know that when I see these random photos in my camera roll next, that at that moment I felt inspired. Truth is, that’s a pretty good thing to be able to look back at.  We take pictures to remember and we take pictures o...