New year and sewing bee

To start this new year post I tried finding a new year quote that wasn’t a cliché, over used one like “New year, new me” which 1. No one sticks to 2. No one believes and 3. Why should you start a year by putting so much pressure for drastic change in a space of only 365 days (just because the calander changed!). About 10 webpages later and all I was left with was questioning who’s responsible for deciding  “the best 29 new year quotes”, and why? Even if some are pretty funny, but still.

Anyway, in a change of direction I then searched up bee quotes, to try and stay relevant to the bee illustration below. After only one 1 website (thank you bees), I found this: “Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still”. It turns out that bee quotes make better quotes to think about at the start of a new year than any of these soul finding ones. I won’t analyse the quote because it will mean different things to different people, but I like it. 

While still being parted with my digital drawing pen this is the closest to digital art I could do. A collage using photos of a quick bee acrylic painting finished off with adding felt to one side of the wing pair, and both outlined using a sewing machine.


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