A face of foil

Here lies a piece of procrastination painting that I've been going back to every once in a while to complete and now that summer is finished, so is this. This digital painting started following being sent a picture of a foil facemask by my sister (if you've already scrolled to the bottom and quickly caught a glimpse at the scary looking sticker below that photo, I will explain that later too), and then I used various pictures of random people on Pinterest to form the face structure underneath the mask. I tried various different backgrounds for this painting including outer space but turns out this portrait didn't want to be an alien, and so instead I present to you a random human on the beach wearing a foil facemask. As the facemask and flower display were doing such a good job at making this person blend in, she is also wearing a jumper because it's September, therefore, colder and this is all of course very realistic...

Appreciation note to my sister for letting me include this photo. 

And as promised, the explanation: This was at one desperate point going to be a back up if I wasn't allowed to use the full picture. I planned to cut out the eyes which ended up looking quite scary and a bit of a mess so following this, I filled in the eyes with the mask cut out and then filled in those with a sticker of the masks inside the mask. The conclusion is that it did not end well. However, I thought it deserved to be featured, maybe not for its beauty but for its good intentions.


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