Old sketchbook and new ideas

Finding old pieces of artwork used to be one of my least favourite things to do as naturally, after time passes, the work you thought was okay now looks unfinished and flawed.

Although old work is not so pleasing to look at, it reminds you of the incentive you had at the time. Despite being an “old” idea, sometimes it ends up being the refresh that’s needed.

These weird looking illustrations were simply made to be space fillers due to having a short amount of time and blank pages to fill. During this time any idea I had in my head I had to create. I couldn't really afford to doubt them otherwise nothing would get done; ideas would become stationary and pages remain empty. I think that's what I needed a reminder to do more of. 

These are some photos I found on my camera roll from my A-level sketchbook for what was my first attempt of digital art. It began with the bottom left painting (acrylic) of an X-ray of a chick foetus which was then scanned and digitally manipulated to form the other 3 pieces.


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