
Showing posts from January, 2019

Edinburgh building illustration and photographs

This is a bit of a late post as these photos were taken all the way back in October. Here features some photography of the very pretty streets of Edinburgh with a vintage camera effect, and an illustration made by drawing an outline onto paper then scanning it onto the computer  to colour using the sketckbook Microsoft app. 

New year and sewing bee

To start this new year post I tried finding a new year quote that wasn’t a cliché, over used one like “New year, new me” which 1. No one sticks to 2. No one believes and 3. Why should you start a year by putting so much pressure for drastic change in a space of only 365 days (just because the calander changed!). About 10 webpages later and all I was left with was questioning who’s responsible for deciding  “the best 29 new year quotes”, and why? Even if some are pretty funny, but still. Anyway, in a change of direction I then searched up bee quotes, to try and stay relevant to the bee illustration below. After only one 1 website (thank you bees), I found this: “Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still”. It turns  out that bee quotes make better quotes to think about at the start of a new year than any of these soul finding ones. I won’t analyse the quote because it will mean different things to different people, but I like it.  While still ...