Perspectives and Tenerife biro drawings

It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves. - Carl Jung This quote is really as simple and pointless or as deep and meaningful as you want to make it, but as far as perspective goes it is relevant to pretty much everything you see and experience. Here are two biro drawings I drew on holiday (scanned and then coloured in using the Microsoft Sketchbook app) and the photos of the places taken on my phone that got me thinking about this more. Alone, each of the drawings give a one-point perception. They comprise of small sections of the view from where I was sitting at the time drawn onto a tiny piece of paper, blending what my eyes saw in the surroundings as well as part of my imagination- with each visual object squished to smaller dimensions and proportions. The second-point perception is the photographs provided below that were taken by a phone camera, the more "reliable" one perhaps. However, even...